Just to be Young ♫
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 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.

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A. Jude Steadworthy
A. Jude Steadworthy

Smile to the life

: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 120216040509323374
L’amour n’est pas l’amour s’il fane lorsq'’il se trouve que son objet s’éloigne. Quand la vie devient dure, quand les choses changent, le véritable amour reste inchangé.
► Mes messages : 382
► Mon double-compte : T. Adam Hepburn
► Crédits : Obssession - Tumblr - Lily - City Love
► Mon Birthday : 13/06/1988
► Ma bouille de canard : (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Tumblr_mafqxpXwbn1qkdght
► J'ai : 25 ans
► Ma date d'arrivée est : 20/03/2013
► J'habite au : N°159 Garden District
► Mon métier est : Créatrice de vêtement
► Situation amoureuse : Compliqué

We are Young
► Disponibilité de RP: Libre, venez !
► Mes relations:
► A savoir sur moi:

(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Empty
MessageSujet: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.   (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. EmptyDim 31 Mar - 23:24

(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. I-som-09



► Profil

Nom entier : Au choix ► Âge : entre 25 et 28 ans ► Orientation Sexuelle : Hétérosexuel ► Situation Financière : riche ► Situation Civile : c'est compliqué ► Métier/Etude : au choix ► Avatar : Ian Somerhalder ►Crédit : Tumblr ►

Son histoire
Alors, l'histoire est assez libre, il faut juste respecter ces points:
  • il est issu d'une famille très riche
  • il a vécu à Londres depuis sa rencontre avec Jude (elle avait 17ans)
  • lors de l'assassinat de son fils, il a été assommé
  • il s'en veut de ne pas avoir pu protéger sa famille
Son caractère
Je n'ai pas envie de vous contraindre avec un caractère qui peut vous gêner, alors il est au choix, faîtes comme le scénario vous inspire. Mais si vous voulez, je peux vous donner des idées car y'en a plein dans ma petite tête !

Il n'y a aucun doute, depuis leur rencontre en cette fameuse soirée caritative, ils se sont aimés de la plus belle et la plus forte façon qui puisse exister. A cette soirée, ils avaient échangé très peu de paroles, ils avaient beaucoup dansé et ils s'étaient complètement dévorés des yeux avant de conclure par un baiser devant la maison de Jude.
Trois ans de relation harmonieuse jusqu'à ce qu'un petit bout d'chou fit son apparition: Jackson. Ce fils, pourtant non désiré à la base, fit la joie de ses parents, ils étaient tous les deux fous de ce nouvel arrivant qui avait rempli leur vie déjà comblée, plein de bonheur.
Tout changea à partir de cette horrible soirée. Un cambrioleur s'était introduit chez la famille pour l'argent et Noàm (pour le scénario) l'aurait surpris dans la chambre de leur fils, le jeune homme n'avait même pas eu le temps de faire un geste que l’intrus l'avait déjà assommé. A son réveil, son fils était mort et sa fiancée entre la vie et la mort. Il y a eut une enquête, l'homme qui avait fais ça était en réalité un malade mental.
Noàm se sentit affreusement coupable malgré tout, il n'avait pas su protéger sa famille et ça le rendait malade. La situation ne pouvait pas être au plus mal... Et bien si. Jude a perdu la mémoire. Ce fut une période horrible pour Noàm, il devait faire le deuil de son enfant et en plus peut-être celui de sa fiancée. Il décida de ne rien dire à Jude sur la vrai raison de son traumatisme, inventant un accident de voiture. Noàm aime au plus profond de son âme Jude et il en est certain qu'elle aussi mais ce n'est plus vraiment la même. La jeune femme ne se rappelle plus de rien, sera-t-il assez fort pour surmonter cette épreuve ?
Départ pour la Nouvelle Orléans. Jude se souvient de pas mal de chose, elle se souvient de qui était Noàm même si des choses lui échappent encore. Le jeune homme a essayé de lui faire retrouver son ancienne vie, mais la jeune femme ayant changé, avait beaucoup du mal à se ré-accommoder avec le milieu de la bourgeoisie qu'elle avait toujours détesté. Noàm veut donc lui faire prendre un nouveau départ. L'occasion pour tous les deux de recommencer quelque chose. Mais Jude fait des cauchemars, chaque nuit, qu'elle ne comprend pas. Noàm lui cache toujours l'existence de leur défunt fils. A présent, ils ne sont plus vraiment en couple. Noàm pense même à quitter Jude, la laisser se réinventer seule, ce qu'elle fait déjà très bien en ayant monté sa boutique de vêtement, il n'arrive pas à se pardonner de lui avoir fait ça car selon lui, c'est de sa faute que tous ça est arrivé. C'est un cap très difficile à surmonter, l'amour sera-t-il plus fort que tout ?

► X feat. Victoria Justice

X est la soeur de Jude. Elle a été là pour épauler Noàm et l'aider à surmonter tous ça. Elle vit avec le "couple" et a décidé de les suivre à la Nouvelle Orléans. Noàm et X sont meilleurs amis. Ils ont besoin de leur soutien mutuel pour surmonter cette épreuve. Mais peut-être que pour X, il y a un peu plus que de l'amitié... En tout cas, pour Noàm, il la voit simplement comme sa meilleure amie mais avant tout, comme la petite soeur de Jude, la femme de sa vie.

Dernière édition par A. Jude Steadworthy le Mer 17 Avr - 15:40, édité 3 fois
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A. Jude Steadworthy
A. Jude Steadworthy

Smile to the life

: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 120216040509323374
L’amour n’est pas l’amour s’il fane lorsq'’il se trouve que son objet s’éloigne. Quand la vie devient dure, quand les choses changent, le véritable amour reste inchangé.
► Mes messages : 382
► Mon double-compte : T. Adam Hepburn
► Crédits : Obssession - Tumblr - Lily - City Love
► Mon Birthday : 13/06/1988
► Ma bouille de canard : (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Tumblr_mafqxpXwbn1qkdght
► J'ai : 25 ans
► Ma date d'arrivée est : 20/03/2013
► J'habite au : N°159 Garden District
► Mon métier est : Créatrice de vêtement
► Situation amoureuse : Compliqué

We are Young
► Disponibilité de RP: Libre, venez !
► Mes relations:
► A savoir sur moi:

(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.   (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. EmptyDim 31 Mar - 23:37


Coucou toi I love you Déjà merci de t'intéresser à mon scénario, j'espère que tu as déjà dans la tête de prendre mon Ianouné. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735

L'avatar: Négociable, mais Nina & Ian, c'est le couple qui tue, le couple parfait. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4267552884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 Mais il est négociable avec Adam Levine, Paul Wesley, Matt Bomer, etc... Faîtes moi vos propositions. I love you
Le pseudo: Il est totalement libre. J'aime bien être surprise par des pseudos originaux, qui sortent de l'ordinaire. J'ai mis Noàm dans le scénario et mon histoire mais c'était pour éviter de mettre "X" partout. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984
Le lien: Je sais, c'est très compliqué tout ça alors je t'invite à lire ma fiche: ici. Si tu as vraiment trop la flemme de tous lire (oui j'ai beaucoup écris), j'ai commencé à parler de la relation à partir du gif où l'on voit Ian et Nina. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 Et si vous comprenez toujours pas, dîtes le moi dans le coin invité et j'essayerais de vous éclairer. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449
L'évolution: Je pensais à ce que finalement Noàm quitte finalement Jude après une longue et tortueuse réflexion et ce choc ferait rappeler à Jude toute son histoire et elle ferait tout pour le reconquérir mais d'abord par le retrouver, il se serait réfugié quelque part, peut-être aurait-il couché avec la soeur de Jude par faiblesse ? Et puis finalement, ils termineront ensemble. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2710309965 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209
Le rp: Alors moi je m'adapte à tout. Je sais écrire de gros pavés et des petits rps qui font avancer. J'ai une préférence pour les petits rps de qualités qui font avancer l'histoire. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1543715390
Présence/réponse: Alors, j'aimerais une réponse par jour ou du moins tous les deux jours. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 Ca peut vous paraître beaucoup, je sais, on a tous une vie, mais avec de petits rps de dix/quinze lignes ça doit être jouable et si vous avez des problèmes, il n'y a pas de problème mais au moins trois/quatre réponses par semaine. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1481408800 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606

Voilà, après n'hésitez pas à poser des questions dans le coin des invités, je saurais vous convaincre de choisir mon scénario qui est très important pour mon personnage. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787
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(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.   (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. EmptyLun 8 Avr - 15:57

    Je suppose que je vais faire une heureuse mais je demande quand même ;

    Je peux ? Ton scénario, j'aime ! (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 225005142
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A. Jude Steadworthy
A. Jude Steadworthy

Smile to the life

: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 120216040509323374
L’amour n’est pas l’amour s’il fane lorsq'’il se trouve que son objet s’éloigne. Quand la vie devient dure, quand les choses changent, le véritable amour reste inchangé.
► Mes messages : 382
► Mon double-compte : T. Adam Hepburn
► Crédits : Obssession - Tumblr - Lily - City Love
► Mon Birthday : 13/06/1988
► Ma bouille de canard : (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Tumblr_mafqxpXwbn1qkdght
► J'ai : 25 ans
► Ma date d'arrivée est : 20/03/2013
► J'habite au : N°159 Garden District
► Mon métier est : Créatrice de vêtement
► Situation amoureuse : Compliqué

We are Young
► Disponibilité de RP: Libre, venez !
► Mes relations:
► A savoir sur moi:

(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.   (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. EmptyLun 8 Avr - 17:39

OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 Mon Ianouné est enfin là (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057

Merci d'avoir choisis mon scénario (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 J'adore ton pseudo. (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654

Bien sûr que tu peux
(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1654344631 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1654344631 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1654344631 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1654344631 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1654344631 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2579511262 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2522122654 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2723315120 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1561227485 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2682873182 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3997658414 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 172851209 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 816603787 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2073946606 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2546965911 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2621064984 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1027875735 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4169977741 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3039662873 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722720057 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 508693997 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3317817547 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1550311778 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 175413429 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2825609089 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 157346856 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 4018219449 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 2681028161 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 768469164 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 517315902 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1614989989 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3216883884 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3408509949 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 32431557 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 3722399339 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 133731882 (m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste. 1513141184
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(m/libre) IAN SOMERHALDER ► There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to waste.

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